Monday, May 11, 2009

Monday Monday

Another weekend has come and gone, but I enjoyed hanging with the pops, mom, McCrae and his lady on such a gorgeous Mother's Day! Dad ( a vegetarian, mind you) grilled burgers and mom created a fabulous scrumtious strawberry cake that was to. die. for. We chowed til we tipped over, and laughed for hours in the backyard gazebo ( a gift for dad last Father's Day).

This week's theme at School is "Circus and Zoo Animals". How fun is that? We're planning on all kinds of fun games for the kids and Friday we'll have a "Carnival" in our classroom - Cotton Candy is already stashed away in the art cabinet :-) Yum!

I brought my vintage 'Spot goes to the Circus" book and a classic Richard Scarry that I adored as a child. Finding these cherished books in Goodwill, etc. is enough to cause my heart to stop beating! I love sharing these books with my kids - they can sense your love of books and that spark will continue forver - a legacy that I hope to carry on. Don't you just love his illustrations and attention to detail? It is so kid- friendly and sweet to boot! I have visions of collecting these books and decorating with Scarry prints for our phantom children .
My next project for the house: Painting the china cabinet and bedroom side tables white - Obsessed with white as of late, but it's so stinkin' chic! Counting down the days until Friiiiday!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tuesday is for Toes!

While on a mission to find a beautiful frame for my mom's birthday and a sweet ruffle top for my best friend, I found these darling Keds - great for work and cute to boot! 10 bucks and I was on my merry way. This is why I love Ross!!Today ended on a good note, and I even slipped in a conversation with one of my best friends. Happy Tuesday!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Just Another Lazy Saturday

While browsing for some much needed rainboots, was sad to discover that most wellies and rainboots stop at size 10! I need a 12 in boots to keep from cutting off circulation in my dogs :-) However, I scoured the net and found these bad boys...and they run up to a size 14 :-) Yipee! I adore toille - so very sassy with a vintage feel. Now, will I fork over the 70 bucks?

Monday, March 16, 2009

This will be the first of what I hope to be many fun posts - this is how I spent my Rainy Weekend - taping and painting the kitchen a lovely green - very cheerful indeed! I was oblivious to the downpour outside, and felt obligated to fill this new room with beautiful things...only to be heartbroken realizing that I must return the FABULOUS Orla Kiely Print things I bought tonight. (so adorable, but totally the wrong green) I was so in love, I ignored the fact that they are clearly not even in the same ballpark green! Sad. I need to find something to fill my nre inspirational kitchen!